Macedonia di fragole e menta

Laure-Sophie Schiettecatte
25 Gennaio, 2014
Macedonia di fragole e menta

Informazioni ricetta

Dosi per
4 persone
15 minuti

Ingredienti ricetta

500 grammi (gr)
1 pizzico/chi
Strawberries with lemon juice, mint and sugar.
I admit… it’s a really simple dish, but no matters, worth to be mentioned no?
The little thing more… peppers. Not that bad actually, un peu de peps!
I had an English uncle. I remembered how shock I got when he said that he was eating strawberries with peppers (or maybe it was salt, a taste enhancer… I am confused, it was at least 20 yrs ago, if not 25). Whatever it was, I was at a age for which one you eat fruits with sugar or not!
We do often eat strawberries in summer,with some lemon juice, sugar. Kids are fighting for « il succo »,the juice. It’s true it’s good. And even better when you eat the stawberries first, keeping for the end the best part. So I do 2 rounds. One strawberries salad for lunch for Joséphine and I, and another one for Jack when he is coming back from school. Sometimes I add star anise too with the fruits. For the momen it is fresh mint from our terrace… and a little of black peppers.

Laver et équeuter les fraises. Les couper en « dés » de 1-2 cm. Arroser les du jus de citrons frais. Ajouter le sucre en quantité désirée. Ciseler quelques feuilles de menthe. Mélanger letout et réserver une demie heure au frais.
Servir dans des coupes individuelles avec quelques feuilles de menthe et pourquoi pas un peu de poivre noir concassé.

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